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Tesneem Jalal Tamimi

Tesneem Jalal Tamimi - College of Medicine–Tucson, Class of 2022  

"Participating in global health has been a valuable experience in my training. I'm able to examine different healthcare systems and the lengths that providers will go to ensure that their patients receive the care that they need, no matter the resources at their disposal. I was able to rotate in pediatrics in the West Bank in the Palestinian Territories and despite the scarcity of hospital beds or the shortage of nurses, every member of the team pushed through for the sake of their patients. I want to display the same sort of dedication to my patients during my future practice. When there aren't enough resources, the connection with the patient becomes the most important instrument."




Allan Tidwell

Allan Tidwell, PA-C

"In the summer of 1984, I participated in the summer Global Health Intensive Course at the University of Arizona, Tucson. I was finishing my training as a Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant at the University of Colorado Health Center in Denver. I am writing to summarize various events in my life related to the training I received through the Global Health course.

Two months after finishing the global health course, I arrived at a remote hospital in Zimbabwe, Africa. The hospital was just re-opening after the civil war in Zimbabwe. Between the one medical doctor and myself, we kept quite busy. My training in tropical medicine proved to be very beneficial during the 7 months I was in Zimbabwe.

In 1988 I began going to Thailand for up to 6 months per year to help train "Village Health Workers" through a Chrisitan mission organization. I was able to participate in this for several years, and the knowledge I had obtained through the global health course was invaluable for having knowledge of tropical medicine and how to train lay people to provide basic medical care to their communities. I was one of the first instructors in this program, and I am proud to say that this annual training of lay health workers continues today! In fact, I was able to participate in teaching again this past year, once again!

In the late 1990's I was able to participate in some short-term trips to Haiti, helping out in some remote hospitals. Then in 2002, my wife and I, with our two young children, moved to a remote area of Guatemala, as Christian missionaries. I was able to supervise and train "Barefoot Doctors" for several years, transferring the knowledge I had obtained through the University of Arizona Global Health Intensive course to lay-persons there in Guatemala.

Finally, I have come full circle, and am currently back in Tucson, as a temporary medical provider serving medical needs of the immigrant population. As I am on the verge of retirement, I look back and consider how greatly the training I received in Tropical Medicine has impacted my professional life. I would like to express my gratitude for having been able to participate in the Global Health Intensive Course all those years ago through the University of Arizona Tucson. Thank you!"